Monday, March 24, 2008

Shout out to the Bro and Sis...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope its been a wonderful year you two love birds. Miss you much.

Oh and thanks for the cutest Godchild one could ask for.


We went to Teotiuachan to see and climb the age old ruins. It was a long day but a good time. I'll describe more with each picture.

In the middle is juice that makes pulque and the string found in the leaves helps to make cloths.
How they make the cloth.
Mom's we hope you like your new tablecloths.
Getting ready to conquer the smaller pyramid.
So happy to be at the top.
Next mission to conquer the big one.

Man, those indians must have been short.
Just hanging out.

From the bottom looking up.
The next mission.
Not gonna lie kind of scarey walking back down.

Family Fun Day

So sorry and I know I know these are long overdue but its been so busy around here. Anyway, the following pictures took place on Saturday March 8. Our "Brother" invited us to go with him and his wife to their son's family fun day. Kate and I thought it would be fun so we went. It was at a park called Los Columpios, because there are a lot of trees and people have used the trees for rope swings. Being that this day at the park was being put together by the school there were a lot of kids and parents around. They had all sorts of activities and it was a pretty good time. Enjoy the pictures.

I decided to take a swing.

Emanuel and Adrian (our nephew).

Potato sack races.

Our new friend Andre taking a fall.

Then it was the parents turn.

None of the mom's for our team wanted to participate in the Mom heat so I took the challenge.

It was tougher than I expected. But I did what I could and won for my team.
Andre riding the bull.

Then it was tug a war time.
Once again they called on me for help. And we won.
The group.
Having fun.
Me and Andre.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So sorry I know I put these up a week after we went but things here have kept me pretty busy. So we went to Puebla, it was beautiful and a very holy place. they have lot's and lot's of churches. Anyway, besides visiting churches we also visited a museum that was once a house of a family that was against the government. They spoke up against it and sure enough one day they were attacked. The men, women and children helped fight making it that much more memorable. Overall Puebla was a good time and like usual enjoy the pictures.

One of the more famous churches. It has been in many novela's and also in a Maria Felix movie, whose title I've forgotten.

The church close up.
The inside of it.

Another church.
The inside.
Inside the tunnel of the biggest pyramid in Mexico.
Melissa and I

what is left of the pyramid.
Getting ready to climb, and although it doesn't look too high, let me tell you it is.
On the way back down.
The Church at the top of the mountain.

Kate or shall I say Rocky Balboa

The inside of the church.
Oh and the inside of another church. What makes this one so special is that all you see that looks like gold, is.
The Cathedral
Roomie love.
The Juniors and Profe.

I had a hard time deciding which popsicle I wanted. Mango or Pinapple? I chose both.
The House or shall I say museum and those are the original bullet holes.
Where the Cinco de Mayo battle took place.
El centro and the palacio of Puebla.
Kate couldn't have been more excited about the plates she bought.