Friday, April 18, 2008

The Rest of Spring Break...

So after Guanjuato we headed to Morelia Michoacan. We stayed there for two more days than made our way to Uruapan. In Morelia we visited Jose Maria Morelos' house and then went to Janiztio. Janiztio is an island where day of the dead is a really big deal. Any time that you see any news coverage of day of the dead in Mexico it usually takes place in Janiztio. The next day when we made our way to Uruapan we stopped at San Juan to visit where the volcano errupted and took over the town. Our day in Uruapan was spent in the National Park that had many waterfalls, all from a natural spring. Then we got back on the bus and made our way back to Cuernavaca.

Morelia's famous statue. Three indian women holding a basket full of all the goods that come from Morelia.

Right behind the statue is what is known as Lovers Lane.

Above the arches is where the water of the city is carried.

Kate and Isabel

Being us.
Action Shot
The Cathedral.
These girls asked if we wanted to buy some dolls and instead we bought them popsicles.

We love the popcicles. Night...
or day.

On our way to Janiztio.
We were accomponied by these wonderful muscians.
Overlooking Janiztio.

I decided to take the road less traveled. And almost fell. ;)
Riding the Cannon.
Looking back at Janiztio.
This was how we got to the church that the lava took over, by horseback.

Ana and Kate
As you can see what used to be the church.
And the alter.
One of the many waterfalls in the national park.

Our tour guide of the park.
This is where the spring ends and the final waterfall.
Isn't it pretty?
The Roommates.

1 comment:

Moncada Family said...

you guys got to ride horses! i hate you i'm so jealouse. all i got is muffin and she aint having it. glad your having fun can't wait until you get home.