Wednesday, April 30, 2008


We visited the ruins of Xochicalco. It used to be one of the biggest cities with lot's of ruins and cultural artifacts, however everything was destroyed. They don't know by who or why but they have slowly been discovering artifacts. Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures, however once we left there we made our way over to a small indiginous pueblo. When we were there we walked by a tortilla place and I decided to take some pictures to show everyone how tortillas are made, for those of you who don't know. Funny thing was that when I was taking the pictures the people who worked there couldn't stop laughing. I told them that for us it was interesting to see the tortillas being made because when we buy tortillas we just see them on a shelf in a plastic bag in the grocery strore. Enjoy the pics.

The Masa being made from the corn.
The Masa being put into the machine.
Making their way to be cooked.
Hot off the belt and ready to be eaten. Yum

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