Monday, March 24, 2008

Family Fun Day

So sorry and I know I know these are long overdue but its been so busy around here. Anyway, the following pictures took place on Saturday March 8. Our "Brother" invited us to go with him and his wife to their son's family fun day. Kate and I thought it would be fun so we went. It was at a park called Los Columpios, because there are a lot of trees and people have used the trees for rope swings. Being that this day at the park was being put together by the school there were a lot of kids and parents around. They had all sorts of activities and it was a pretty good time. Enjoy the pictures.

I decided to take a swing.

Emanuel and Adrian (our nephew).

Potato sack races.

Our new friend Andre taking a fall.

Then it was the parents turn.

None of the mom's for our team wanted to participate in the Mom heat so I took the challenge.

It was tougher than I expected. But I did what I could and won for my team.
Andre riding the bull.

Then it was tug a war time.
Once again they called on me for help. And we won.
The group.
Having fun.
Me and Andre.

1 comment:

Rosalee11 said...

You're so beautiful, I miss your face! Can't wait til your home! xo