Monday, February 4, 2008

The Day We Arrived in Cuernavaca

So today was a very busy day. I woke up at 5 to be at the airport at 6:30. After I checked in and said a sad goodbye to mom and dad, I made my way to the gate. We boarded and luckily (and for the first time in my flying history) I got to sit next to someone my age and who was cool to talk to. After being on the plane for about an hour the captain told us we were ready to go but needed maintaince to check one last thing and so we had to make our way back to the gate. Finally, and an hour later, we left. When we arrived the captain told us that unfortunately we would have to wait because the plane was 6 inches away from the gate so we would have to fix that but because we were already so late the seven passangers who were heading to Mexico City would be the only ones able to get off. I was sitting in the back of the plane so when I finally made my way to the front they told me, "We're sorry the seven passengers going to Mexico City have already gotten off, so you need to wait." At this point I was so annoyed with being on the plane, I pulled out my boarding pass and told them, that's right told them, "I'm getting off." :) They let me off and I had enough time to get off one plane and board the next. Lucky me, who did I get to sit next to a three year old with snot running down his nose, and who wouldn't let me sleep because he was trying to play and kept hitting and kicking me. Please don't be jealous. Anyway, I finally arrived in Mexico City and when it was time to get off, I realized there was another girl from my class. We met up and made our way through to finally meet our profesor and other students who arrived. We made our way to the food court and waited another 3 hours for the rest of our group. Eventually after everyone made it, we boarded our bus and made our way to Cuernavaca. When we arrived our "Mom" was waiting for us. She brought us home to drop off our luggage, then took us out to dinner. She took us to a place where we had pork tacos with cilantro and onion and get this pinapple. Weird right? Well it was actually pretty good. Then we made our way home to a warm shower and a good nights rest. Ending our first day.

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