Monday, February 18, 2008

Mexico City

This past weekend we had our first excursion. We visited Mexico City. I took a whole lot of pictures so I'm going to divide them up and every place that we visited will be its own blog. We left Cuernavaca on Saturday morning. When we arrived our first stop was at the Frida Kahlo museum, which is actually in the house where she grew up and where she and Diego Rivera lived. After that we went to El Centro and then to Tlatelolco, which is where they killed hundreds of students in 1968. After that it was off to La Basillica de la Virgen de Guadalupe and finally to the hotel. Sunday we woke up, breakfast, then off to Chepultepec. After that we went to the Museo de Antropologia and then made our way back to Cuernavaca. As I said above, I took lot's of pictures so I thought it would be easiest to break them up. First up was our trip to the Frida Kahlo Museum. It was very surreal being there and looking at her house and her belongings. We obviously weren't able to take pictures inside but by the looks of it life with Frida and Diego must have been fun at times and crazy at others. The house is very beautiful and colorful. Enjoy the Pics!

Kate and I outside the Museum (thats the original paint colors)

The view from the garden to the house.

Kate and I hanging out in the yard.

Our Group. The one guy is our Professor.

Kate and Ana

Another view of the house.

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