Our last stop of the day was La Basillica de La Virgen de Guadalupe. It was very beautiful and an incredible experience to be at a place that has so much religious importance. For those of you who don't know the story. On December 9, 1521 a man named Juan Diego was crossing the mountains to visit his sick uncle. On his way the Virgen Mary appeared to him and told him to go and tell the Bishop to build a church where he appeared to her. He did as he was told and the Bishop just laughed in his face. The same thing happened for the next two days. On the fourth day, Juan Diego really needed to go see his sick uncle so he went the long way hoping that she wouldn't appear to him. Wrong. She appeared to him and he told her that no one believed him and that he really needed to see his uncle because he was dying. She told him not to worry about his uncle and to go over to the rose bushes and pick some flowers, put them in his tilma and take them to the bishop. The thing is that the flowers she asked him to pick don't bloom in the season. He picked the flowers put them in his tilma and went to the bishop. When he opened his Tilma out fell roses and there was an impression of her image on the tilma. The Bishop finally believed him and built the church.
A Statue of Juan Diego showing the Bishop his tilma.

1 comment:
You were able to take some very nice photos. I've been the Basilica many times and have hopes to visiting again later on this year. This time, I'll be armed with a digital camera! I only hope I can get as many good pics as you did!
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